

2023-11-12 04:22
1个回答 2023-03-30 12:23
1 Twilight series by威廉·尤宾(William Ury) 2 First book: Twilight 3 Title: Twilight 4 author:威廉·尤宾(William Ury) 5 publication date: 2005-08-15 6 Language: English 7 Other languages: Yes 8 ISBN-13: 978-0-692-17019-3 9 ISBN-10: 0-692-17019-0 10 Title of the series: Twilight 11 Series title: Twilight 12 Verse 1: The sun was setting over the horizon A world of light and shadow was born A time of passion of love and pain The night was filled with the sound of our names Verse 2: The moon was shining bright A sign of hope and a promise of light A time of love of beauty and pain The night was filled with the sound of our names Verse 3: The stars twinkled brightly A world of wonder and a place of peace A time of love of passion and pain The night was filled with the sound of our names Verse 4: As the sun rises once more A world of light and shadow is born A time of passion of love and pain The night is filled with the sound of our names
有什么好看的黑道小说 男主强,女主也强
2个回答 2023-06-02 23:01
推荐以下小说给你,么么哒~ 1.《特工老婆混黑道》:女主是黑道大小姐,一朝穿越到了她梦寐以求的古代,很强很强大。 2.《魔君的悍妃》:女主是令黑道闻风丧胆的女警,在一次执行任务中不小心穿来了异世,掉落在一艘花船上!修灵力,破奇案,戏美男,闯天宫。 3.《误惹邪魅殿下》:女主进入伊斯修学院后遇到各种大佬,一步步展开爱情故事,男女主都很强。 希望您能喜欢本仙女的推荐,么么哒😗~
1个回答 2023-03-25 16:29
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